Corporate Internet Banking
With our Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) service, you can carry out secure internet banking transactions and e-payments of all kinds, monitor trade transactions and administer payroll.
This is a solution guaranteed to increase your business efficiency by reducing manual processes while giving you the ability to make payments at any time and monitor your transactions every step of the way.
· Transfers: Customers can process local and foreign transfers; also make single or bulk transfers.
· Payroll: Corporates can make bulk salary payments, pension payments and schedule payments.
· Payments: Ability to pay bills using Ebillspay, Remita and also make payments to shipping and FMCG companies like (Dangote etc)
· Airtime and Data Purchase: Make single and bulk airtime purchase
· Statements and Transaction reporting:
Receive statements daily, weekly or monthly in your email
E-Statement: Customers can download pre-signed and stamped Financial Statements at the cost of N20 per page.
· User Access: Corporates can assign certain roles or privileges to staffs for payments or reports.
· Seamless Process: Companies with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) can integrate and connect their software directly with the Bank to process payments seamlessly.
· Convenient: Transactions can be made from the home or office.
· Availability: Uptime hour up to 99%
· User-friendly: Easy to use
· Notification of transactions via SMS and email. Prompt status update which keeps customers informed.
· Easy account management saving both time and energy.